Discover the Exports of Portugal

Here you will find information on more than 10,224 imported and exported products from Portugal

Countries/ Portugal/ Exports

Boost your business strategy with customs data on imports and exports from Portugal since 2019

Customs information on imports and exports from Portugal in VERITRADE

  • Information available from January 1, 2019 through September 30, 2024
  • Update frequency: Monthly.
  • The information is published online 45 days after the consolidated month. Example: On March 15 is published online the information from 01 to January 31st.

Products related to foreign trade in Portugal

parts and accessories for moto... petroleum oils and oils from b... light oils and preparations co... airplanes and other aircraft n... supported catalysts with preci... passenger motor vehicles with ... passenger motor vehicles with ... new pneumatic tires, of rubber... electrical energy natural gas, liquefied petroleum oils and oils from b... medicaments, in measured doses... mufflers and exhaust pipes for... motor vehicles for goods trans... speedometers and tachometers; ... wine of fresh grapes (other th... parts and accessories for moto... petroleum oils and oils from b... light oils and preparations co... airplanes and other aircraft n... supported catalysts with preci... passenger motor vehicles with ... passenger motor vehicles with ... new pneumatic tires, of rubber... electrical energy natural gas, liquefied petroleum oils and oils from b... medicaments, in measured doses... mufflers and exhaust pipes for... motor vehicles for goods trans... speedometers and tachometers; ... wine of fresh grapes (other th... parts and accessories for moto... petroleum oils and oils from b... light oils and preparations co... airplanes and other aircraft n... supported catalysts with preci... passenger motor vehicles with ... passenger motor vehicles with ... new pneumatic tires, of rubber... electrical energy natural gas, liquefied petroleum oils and oils from b... medicaments, in measured doses... mufflers and exhaust pipes for... motor vehicles for goods trans... speedometers and tachometers; ... wine of fresh grapes (other th... parts and accessories for moto... petroleum oils and oils from b... light oils and preparations co... airplanes and other aircraft n... supported catalysts with preci... passenger motor vehicles with ... passenger motor vehicles with ... new pneumatic tires, of rubber... electrical energy natural gas, liquefied petroleum oils and oils from b... medicaments, in measured doses... mufflers and exhaust pipes for... motor vehicles for goods trans... speedometers and tachometers; ... wine of fresh grapes (other th... parts and accessories for moto... petroleum oils and oils from b... light oils and preparations co... airplanes and other aircraft n... supported catalysts with preci... passenger motor vehicles with ... passenger motor vehicles with ... new pneumatic tires, of rubber... electrical energy natural gas, liquefied petroleum oils and oils from b... medicaments, in measured doses... mufflers and exhaust pipes for... motor vehicles for goods trans... speedometers and tachometers; ... wine of fresh grapes (other th... parts and accessories for moto... petroleum oils and oils from b... light oils and preparations co... airplanes and other aircraft n... supported catalysts with preci... passenger motor vehicles with ... passenger motor vehicles with ... new pneumatic tires, of rubber... electrical energy natural gas, liquefied petroleum oils and oils from b... medicaments, in measured doses... mufflers and exhaust pipes for... motor vehicles for goods trans... speedometers and tachometers; ... wine of fresh grapes (other th... parts and accessories for moto... petroleum oils and oils from b... light oils and preparations co... airplanes and other aircraft n... supported catalysts with preci... passenger motor vehicles with ... passenger motor vehicles with ... new pneumatic tires, of rubber... electrical energy natural gas, liquefied petroleum oils and oils from b... medicaments, in measured doses... mufflers and exhaust pipes for... motor vehicles for goods trans... speedometers and tachometers; ... wine of fresh grapes (other th... parts and accessories for moto... petroleum oils and oils from b... light oils and preparations co... airplanes and other aircraft n... supported catalysts with preci... passenger motor vehicles with ... passenger motor vehicles with ... new pneumatic tires, of rubber... electrical energy natural gas, liquefied petroleum oils and oils from b... medicaments, in measured doses... mufflers and exhaust pipes for... motor vehicles for goods trans... speedometers and tachometers; ... wine of fresh grapes (other th... parts and accessories for moto... petroleum oils and oils from b... light oils and preparations co... airplanes and other aircraft n... supported catalysts with preci... passenger motor vehicles with ... passenger motor vehicles with ... new pneumatic tires, of rubber... electrical energy natural gas, liquefied petroleum oils and oils from b... medicaments, in measured doses... mufflers and exhaust pipes for... motor vehicles for goods trans... speedometers and tachometers; ... wine of fresh grapes (other th... parts and accessories for moto... petroleum oils and oils from b... light oils and preparations co... airplanes and other aircraft n... supported catalysts with preci... passenger motor vehicles with ... passenger motor vehicles with ... new pneumatic tires, of rubber... electrical energy natural gas, liquefied petroleum oils and oils from b... medicaments, in measured doses... mufflers and exhaust pipes for... motor vehicles for goods trans... speedometers and tachometers; ... wine of fresh grapes (other th... parts and accessories for moto... petroleum oils and oils from b... light oils and preparations co... airplanes and other aircraft n... supported catalysts with preci... passenger motor vehicles with ... passenger motor vehicles with ... new pneumatic tires, of rubber... electrical energy natural gas, liquefied petroleum oils and oils from b... medicaments, in measured doses... mufflers and exhaust pipes for... motor vehicles for goods trans... speedometers and tachometers; ... wine of fresh grapes (other th... parts and accessories for moto... petroleum oils and oils from b... light oils and preparations co... airplanes and other aircraft n... supported catalysts with preci... passenger motor vehicles with ... passenger motor vehicles with ... new pneumatic tires, of rubber... electrical energy natural gas, liquefied petroleum oils and oils from b... medicaments, in measured doses... mufflers and exhaust pipes for... motor vehicles for goods trans... speedometers and tachometers; ... wine of fresh grapes (other th...